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SEFOS version 2.0 – Reply function

Sedan tidigare har SEFOS erbjudit funktionen att kunna skicka meddelanden till mottagare även utanför själva tjänsten, dvs till icke registrerade användare. I vår nya version

New Version - SEFOS 2.0

I vår strävan att hjälpa olika verksamheter att kunna dra nytta av digitaliseringens möjligheter, har vi nu adderat flera nya funktioner i vår senaste uppdatering

Replace fax, letter and courier mail

Due to various legal requirements, public agencies and regions are forced to use fax, letter and sometimes courier mail to communicate with other organizations outside their own

Improved efficiency in public sector

Many processes in public administration include communication between different municipalities, authorities, regions and others. However, the lack of opportunities to fully communicate digitally creates

Digital communication
between healthcare providers

When hospitals in Sweden treat patients from other countries, it is required that sensitive personal information is communicated between the various care providers. This process often creates great challenges

Replace unsecure e-mails

In traditional communication via e-mail between different public administrations, there is a risk that the 3rd party or the service provider may take part in it

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