It is with great pleasure that we now welcome Rely IT as a new SEFOS partner.

– Connecting Rely IT as a SEFOS partner feels like a step in the right direction to more easily meet the need that exists with an increased demand for a secure digital messaging service such as SEFOS in Sweden. As we see it, Rely IT has an exciting profile, where their work on, among other things, GDPR analyzes and Microsoft 365, creates a perfect combination to also be able to deliver SEFOS to customers in the Swedish market.
Björn Franzén, Sales and Marketing Manager at Meaplus

About Rely IT
Rely IT is an IT and service company that focuses on value-creating IT services and products in an innovative way. Their goal is to simplify the working day for their customers so that they can concentrate on their core business and do better business there.

- We have chosen to include SEFOS in our service portfolio as we have seen our customers' need to be able to verify who the recipient is for the e-mail. With SEFOS, we can now offer a way to solve the challenges posed by the Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in combination with secure e-mail. We see that SEFOS solves a problem that exists in all companies and look forward to going out to our customers to help them secure their e-mail management.
Johnny Pettersson, Co-owner and Sales Manager at Rely IT

More information about SEFOS and Rely IT is available here.

Meaplus is a software company that develops products and services for the digital society of the future. Meaplus is a distribution partner for SEFOS, a secure digital messaging service.